YouTube Madness!!!
The Best Scenes from "The Wicker Man"
Old Spice Commerical starring Bruce Campbell
Spanish FOX Sports commercial
Season 2 Promo for "Election"
A place for ideas. Mostly, stinky ones.
The Best Scenes from "The Wicker Man"
Of the 383 bills that were signed into law during the recently adjoined 109th Congress, more than one-qyarter dealth with naming or renaming federal buildings, primarily post offices.
When a president or former president dies (or as you so eloquently put it, croaks) the flag must be flown half-mast for thirty days. Ten days for a vice president, chief of justice or a retired chief of justice, or speaker of the house of representatives.
To keep the free speech rights of our forefathers intact, there's an written rule about the placement of the flag. Every person who puts up a flag has the right to their own point of view. If they feel the person being memorialized was worthy of their thoughts, they are allowed to place the flag up to three inches higher than the midpoint of the pole (one inch = good, two inches = better, three inches = best). In the same way, if they weren't big fans of the dead, they would lower the flag up to three inches, the difference of inches meaning the same.
MADDEN - "You know what I'd hate to be, it's a potato."
MICHAELS - "Among other things ... pass to Kennison is incomplete, covered by Jammer. And you'd hate to be a potato because?"
MADDEN - "Well do you see what they do to that potata? I mean they take it, and they take all the skin off it and put it in the thing and, you know, slice it and then they put it in the thing and fry it ... you, you don't have a chance."
MICHAELS - "So in your next life you're not going to come back as a Mr. Potato-Head ..."
MADDEN - "I'm not. No, no, no."
MICHAELS - "Second down and 10."
MADDEN - "I'm gonna come back as a golden retriever."
One article over at McSweeney's, another at CSR. If I didn't have a girlfriend, I'd be rolling around in Internet groupie poon right now.
How did the horse who fucked a man to death feel when he found out they were making a movie of the incident?
Entry from November 27:
The Future of Democracy: Emerging Issues
Around 2015, Americans will realize it would be much easier to change their standard of beauty than to lose weight. From that point on, we will embrace our indulgent lifestyles. Gyms will close, fad binge books will rule the best-seller lists, and singles ads will end with the phrase "Yes fatties".
Since every third story these days is about Lindsay Lohan, I thought I'd put up these screenshots I stumbled onto today: